
Submit Event

Thank you for your interest in the Iowa Tourism online events calendar. Before adding an event, please read and understand the following before submitting an event:

  • Events should be of interest to travelers and the general public. Therefore, events related to promotions/sales, farmers markets, fundraisers, conferences, class reunions, luncheons/dinners/breakfasts, religious gatherings, or any other non-entertainment events will not be approved.
  • Check the events calendar to see if your event is already listed
  • Submit your event at least two weeks in advance. We cannot guarantee your event will appear if not submitted in a timely manner.
  • Please use the "event website" field for websites, hyperlinks in the description field may be removed.
  • Events submitted may be edited before appearing on the Travel Iowa website.
Please do not copy and paste emojis or anything with computer code into the listing. Our system will not read it and the listing will be corrupted.

If possible, please enter a general email address instead of an account tied to a singular person.

20MB file maximum size. PNG, JPG/JPEG, or GIF formats only. Please do not include special characters in the image file name. Note: Photos taken with an iPhone with iOS 11 or later are saved in HEIC format and must be converted to an accepted format prior to upload.

1500 characters max

Contact Details - This information will be kept private and is for office use only.


No matter the season, Iowa offers endless possibilities. Whether it’s a family getaway, an outdoor adventure, or anything in between, we know a place.