Guttenberg is a charming city nestled in the scenic limestone bluffs of Northeast Iowa. Located along the Great River Road, Guttenberg offers boundless recreation opportunities and breathtaking views of the Mississippi River and surrounding bluffs. The Upper Mississippi River National Fish and Wildlife Refuge borders the community and provides high quality access to the river. Enjoy the perfect fishing, bird watching, or relaxing experience.
Rent a boat and fish for walleye, catfish, bass species, sun fish, and many other game species in pool #10 of the Mississippi River. The Guttenberg DNR Aquarium and Fish Management Station is a great place to take children to get hands-on contact with river catfish and turtles. When not on the Mississippi River, visitors enjoy walking and biking one of the longest riverfront trails in Iowa (2.2 miles), walking on the shorter 0.3 mile Buechel Hill Trail and on the 11-acre Big Springs Nature area north of town.
Guttenberg also has more historic sites per capita than any other community in Northeast Iowa. The last remaining lockmaster's house on the Upper Mississippi and the Historic Lakeside Ballroom are two places of note.
Want to relax in view of the river? Visit PromiseLand Winery and enjoy the popular First Crush white wine. If the wine isn’t sweet enough for you, eat at the Picket Fence Cafe, popular for their award-winning pies made of local berries and apples. Picket Fence also sells locally-produced pork.