Information provided here has not been updated within the last 12 months. Please contact the business prior to making travel plans.
Barn Town Brewing
Ste. 1110 West Des Moines, Iowa | Map It Capital Country Visit Our Website 515.978.6767 515.978.6767
Ste. 1110 West Des Moines, Iowa | Map It Capital Country Visit Our Website 515.978.6767 515.978.6767
Barn Town was built on one word - passion. Our mission is to provide a unique experience through homemade, full-flavored, artisanal ales and chef-inspired elevated American style pub fare.
BTB is committed to the use of high quality ingredients, with the access to healthy foods from Iowa farms and the transparency in ingredient sourcing and use. Barn Town's value proposition relies on the freshness, quality and origin of the food and drink.
This listing is part of the Iowa Beer Passport.