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Gypsum City OHV Park
2390 MILL RD
Fort Dodge, Iowa | Map It
Lakes & Land
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Iowa's largest OHV park, Gypsum City, offers 800 acres and 65 miles of trails through rolling hills and timber. Located southeast of Fort Dodge, the park serves as a destination for ATVs, dirt bikes, side by sides and snowmobiles. In addition to trails, the park includes a 1.5 mile motocross track, an amateur supercross track, a youth track and a beginner/safety training area.
Open sunrise to sunset. The park may close due to heavy rainfall or maintenance activities. Please check the Iowa DNR website for closures and a complete list of rules and regulations.
The park also includes a 33-site campground with both full hook-up and electric/water only sites. Modern shower house, picnic tables and grills are available. Three tiny homes are also located within the campground. Sites and tiny homes are reservable on