Information provided here has not been updated within the last 12 months. Please contact the business prior to making travel plans.
Hawkeye Point
5463 130TH ST
North of Sibley Sibley, Iowa | Map It Lakes & Land Visit Our Website Email Us 712.754.3212 712.754.3212
North of Sibley Sibley, Iowa | Map It Lakes & Land Visit Our Website Email Us 712.754.3212 712.754.3212
- Grain bin shelter (stop here for a picnic!)
- Silo with an observation deck
- Informational kiosk
- Mosaic display marking the High Point.
- Iowa Gothic sign allows visitors a unique photo opportunity
- Walk-through "hands-on" history items displayed in the corn crib.
- Large display of antique farm machinery
- Directional signs pointing to each of the 49 other state highpoints
- Wall of Recognition for supporters (contact us on 712-754-2523 to donate to the Hawkeye Point Foundation)