One-Day FLW Iowa Tour
The distance between Mason City and Cedar Rock State Park is approximately 120 miles or a two-hour drive. If driving from the east, your tour can begin at the Walter Estate in Cedar Rock State Park and then travel northward to Mason City. If traveling from the north or west, the inverse would make more sense.
Tourism Connections in Neighboring Wisconsin, Illinois and Minnesota
Wisconsin: Some of the state’s most famous FLW tourism sites include the SC Johnson Administration building and Jacob House. The most paramount is the UNESCO World Heritage Site Taliesin Preservation, located in Spring Green (a two-hour drive or 130 miles away from the Walter estate in Cedar Rock State Park). Wright lived and worked at Taliesin for 50 years. The property is regarded as Wright's "self-portrait" and worthy of an entire day.
Illinois: The Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy’s northern Illinois itinerary features many sites located in Chicago/Oak Park, including FLW Home and Studio, Unity Temple, Robie House and the Rookery building. The Frank Lloyd Wright Trust offers clustered tours of many Frank Lloyd Wright sites in Chicago/Oak Park. The distance between the Chicago/Oak Park sites and Cedar Rock State Park is approximately 240 miles or 4.5 hours. However, in the middle of this distance is the Laurent House in Rockford (IL), the only FLW-designed house that accommodates people who use wheelchairs. A Southern Illinois/St. Louis itinerary includes the Dana-Thomas House and Lawrence Memorial Library in Springfield and the Kraus House in St. Louis’ Ebsworth Park.
Minnesota: The Wiley House is located in Minneapolis, along with the Francis and Mary Little House II Hallway Reconstruction in the Minneapolis Institute of Art. The distance between Minneapolis and Mason City is approximately 137 miles or slightly longer than two hours. The only standing FLW-designed service station is also located in Cloquet (MN).
FLW Sites Outside the Midwest
FLW buildings in the United States and throughout the world have been preserved as tourist attractions. In the U.S., his most famous sites outside the Midwest are:
- Taliesin West (Scottdale, AR)
- Fallingwater (Mill Run, PA)
- Guggenheim Museum (New York)