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13th Street District

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This quaint and vibrant area is a one-of-a-kind destination in Marshalltown. The 13th Street District is centered around Echo, a stunning 34-foot stainless steel sculpture by Illinois artist Bruce White. The area is also a local favorite for a relaxed vibe and unique dining experiences. Treat yourself to dinner or a snack and stroll through the newly designed West End Park.

Businesses | C-Eyecare, Lillie Mae Chocolates, Be Unique Floral Boutique, Chop Shop Hair Salon, The Flying Elbow,  Hermanson Orthodontics, The Spot, Nourish Holistic Medicine, West End Perk Café, The Salvation Army Family Store

Public Art Tour | map | EchoRotary Mural, Veterans Mural

West End Park Renovation | First-of-its-kind lighted outdoor futsal complex in the state of Iowa

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Located in Capital Country