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Bass Pro Shops
Altoona, Iowa | Map It
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The 145,000-square foot Bass Pro Shops is on I-80 in Altoona, Iowa. While you'll find a huge selection of outdoor gear, Bass Pro Shops stores are also a destination - part museum, art gallery, antique store, aquarium, education, conservation and entertainment center. The entire store is a tribute to the vast diversity of the Iowa landscape, its history, the culture of its people. Using more than 3,500 area artifacts, state and record wildlife mounts are displayed alongside local period prints depicting early Iowans enjoying sporting adventures. Bear, deer, mountain lion and other wildlife in natural and action settings are set amidst boulders on top of the 30,000 gallon fresh water aquarium.
Dogs are welcomed in the store section only. Dogs of all ages must be on a short leash at all times, current on vaccines and pet/child friendly. Owners are responsible for their pet's behavior.