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Buffalo Center Historical Society @ Heritage Town Center
201 2nd Ave SW
Buffalo Center, Iowa | Map It
Lakes & Land
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The museum at the Heritage Town Center (430th St, Buffalo Center) is curated by the Buffalo Center Historical Society. There are no fixed hours for the museum at this time. It is open for special events, school field trips, and on some holidays. Our displays rotate and we have enjoyed showing off a new aspect of our community’s history around once a year. Past displays have included wedding dresses, medical/dentist history, aerial photos, military uniforms, school memorabilia, farm implements, prairie history, quilts, and more. The BC Historical Society, in conjunction with the Heritage Town Center Museum, operates under a donation policy only, not a loan policy. We are interested mainly in Buffalo Center items and reserve the right to turn down donations if they are not in our area of interest, are too large for our facility or require us to expend funds in order to main the items.