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Camp Algona POW Museum
Algona, Iowa | Map It
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During WW2, Algona, Iowa was the site of a base camp for prisoners of war. This camp was ‘home’ to a total of 10,000 German prisoners from April 1944 to February 1946. The value of the work done by the prisoners in the four state region was estimated at $3,506,000. A total of thirty four branch camps were supervised from Algona. The average monthly camp system population was 3,216, although the number kept in the Algona camp rarely exceeded 2,500. Although many visitors remark they had no idea such a camp existed, it had a huge economic impact on the community of Algona and the surrounding area.
Since 2004, an average of 2,500 visitors were welcomed each year to the museum.
From Weekends Apr-Dec, 1 p.m.- 4 p.m. Memorial Day to Labor day. Weekdays 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Please visit our website or Facebook Page for update hours and announcements.