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Decorah Fish Hatchery & Siewers Springs
Decorah, Iowa | Map It
Driftless Area
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Located in a picturesque valley next to limestone bluffs, the second largest spring in Iowa, a native prairie and the most handicapped accessible trout stream in the midwest, this State of Iowa trout rearing station is a beautiful place to spend an afternoon. Access it by car, or walk or bike to it from Decorah on the Trout Run Trail. See how trout are raised, feed fish of all sizes for 25 cents, picnic next to the Trout Run stream, go fishing, or just sit and relax by the Siewers Springs waterfall. This site is an access point and has parking for the Trout Run Trail, public restrooms and is a great viewing spot for the famous Decorah Eagle's nest (across the street). Entrance ts free and it is open daily from sunrise to sunset. Dozens of Northeast Iowa streams are stocked out of this hatchery and stocking information is posted.