Information provided here has not been updated within the last 12 months. Please contact the business prior to making travel plans.
Decorah Hatchery
406 W Water St
Decorah, Iowa | Map It
Driftless Area
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(563) 382-4103
(563) 382-4103
An independently owned clothing and gear store offering premium brands to help you get the most out of your active lifestyle and outdoor adventures from the Driftless area and beyond. Founded in 1923, the Decorah Hatchery was originally exactly what you would think: A building where baby chicks were hatched. The Decorah Hatchery is now home to premium outdoor brands including Patagonia, Black Diamond, Smartwool, Chaco, Prana, Osprey, Hydro Flask, Eno, Simms, Pendleton and more!