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Elinor Bedell State Park
1619 260th Ave.
Spirit Lake, Iowa | Map It
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This small and beautiful state park sits on the shore of East Lake Okoboji, with trails, a playground and camping amenities. The 80-acre park was donated by Berkley and Elinor Bedell. A life-long resident of the Great Lakes area, Berkley Bedell represented northwest Iowa for 12 years in the U.S. Congress.
The park offers a shelter with lake views and features a kitchenette, bathrooms and grills. The shelter can be reserved online. Elinor Bedell has a campground with full hook-up sites and modern restrooms.
Advance camping reservations can be booked through the park reservation system. One-fourth of the campsites are available for self-registration on a first-come, first-served basis.
The park offers a shelter with lake views and features a kitchenette, bathrooms and grills. The shelter can be reserved online. Elinor Bedell has a campground with full hook-up sites and modern restrooms.
Advance camping reservations can be booked through the park reservation system. One-fourth of the campsites are available for self-registration on a first-come, first-served basis.