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Field of Dreams Movie Site

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"Go the distance" and visit this family century farm with a baseball diamond carved into its heart. Original site of movie filming. Venue may be rented for corporate and private events, like weddings and evening ball games. Open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. July and August. Tours of the Field of Dreams House are available from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily (closed on holidays). The 30-minute, live guided tour will take visitors through the first floor of the home, which has been restored to look just like it did in the movie and features movie artifacts. Must call 24 hours in advance to set up tour or book tours on website Tours are $20 for adults 18 and older, $18 for seniors 65+ with a valid government issued ID, $15 for active military & spouse with a valid military ID, $12 for children 3-17, and ages 2 and under free but must be carried on the tour. Come to Ghost Player Sundays. There is no admission fee.
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Located in Driftless Area