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Historic Park Inn Hotel

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As the last remaining Frank Lloyd Wright designed and built hotel in the world, the Historic Park Inn has become an internationally renowned architectural wonder. Listed in the National Registry of Historic Places this property underwent a $20 million renovation in 2011, this property offers a unique blend of historical beauty and impressive architecture, along with modern amenities. The property has 27 rooms/suites of which not two are alike, including our Historic Suite which has been restored to its orginal state from 1910, complete with an original claw footed tub. With over 8,000 square feet of conference space, 1910 Lounge, and the 1910 Grille, this property is sure to impress and ready to host events of all sizes. Docent-led historical tours are also available from Wright on the Park, Inc.
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This listing is part of the Scenic Byway Passport.

Located in Lakes & Land