Information provided here has not been updated within the last 12 months. Please contact the business prior to making travel plans.
Iowa West Public Art
421 Rivers Edge Park
Council Bluffs, Iowa | Map It
Loess Hills & Beyond
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Take a self-guided tour of 12 works of outdoor public art that are large-scale and accessible 24/7. These include Bayliss Park Wellspring & Oculus, Big Mo, Circus, Gateway, Haymarket Rabbits, Interstate, Molecule Man, Odyssey, Rays, Rhythm and Sunrise. Each is interesting and provocative in its own way.
Use the Otocast app to easily locate the Iowa West Public Art sites. Simply hit the search icon (upper right corner), type in Council Bluffs, Iowa, and then tap the Public Art link for a map and directions.
Want to see more art? The community has a number of other pieces of public art that are found throughout the city.