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Kalona Historical Village

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A favorite tourist stop in Southeast Iowa is the Kalona Historical Village, where 12 restored historical buildings are filled with interesting and informative displays depicting the years the pioneers settled the Iowa prairies. You will also be able to tour our 3 museums including The Iowa Mennonite Museum that talks about Amish and Mennonite History, Wahl Museum (new in August of 2023) which goes into detail of the history of Kalona starting in 1879 with the railroad and continues into the Kalona Streetscape depicting downtown Kalona, and our agriculture museum. Within our Visitors Center we house two nationally-known quilt galleries, one strictly for Amish textiles, and the other displaying a themed group of quilts (displays are rotated on a regular basis) , largest spool cabinets, a unique collection of gems and minerals, antique glass and collectibles. We also host a wide variety of community events including our annual Fall Festival which has been going on for over 50 years. All events are listed on our calendar on our web-site We are open Monday-Saturday 10-5 April thru October and 11-3 November thru March
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Located in Storied & Scenic