Information provided here has not been updated within the last 12 months. Please contact the business prior to making travel plans.
Late Harvest Brewery
815 N Main Ave
Suite 6 Sioux Center, Iowa | Map It Lakes & Land Visit Our Website Email Us 712-722-2739 712-722-2739
Suite 6 Sioux Center, Iowa | Map It Lakes & Land Visit Our Website Email Us 712-722-2739 712-722-2739
We are excited that you are considering Late Harvest Brewery as a destination for you to visit. Our goal is to provide you with a comfortable and casual environment suitable for business, families, friends, and special occasions that allows you to relax in a stress-free, modern atmosphere. We are proud of our brewery and want to offer you an experience to enjoy our locally brewed craft beer, premium wine and freshly made brick oven entrees.