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Madrid Historical Society Museum
109 W 2ND ST
P.O. Box 105 Madrid, Iowa | Map It Capital Country Visit Our Website Email Us 515.795.3249 515.795.3249
P.O. Box 105 Madrid, Iowa | Map It Capital Country Visit Our Website Email Us 515.795.3249 515.795.3249
Large doll collection includes dolls, doll houses, toys, teddy bears. Ackerlund-Burke Coal Mine Museum includes replicas of area underground and slope mines and numerous mining artifacts. Madrid history and Madrid Community School and Luther School history. Find out about the building of High Trestle Bridge and other railroad history. New fourth building has increased display area including original city jail. Open Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Also open on Monday mornings for coffee and conversation. Open extended hours over Labor Day weekend.