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Main Street Washington

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Main Street Washington (MSW) is a community and volunteer based program for improving and maintaining the heart of our city. Officially designated in 2008 as a Main Street community in the state of Iowa, MSW employs the National Main Street Center's Four Point Approach to Downtown Revitalization. Volunteers work in a concerted fashion to enhance the social, physical, and economic well-being of our historic downtown district through comprehensive efforts in the areas of Design, Organization, Promotion, and Economic Restructuring. As a not-for-profit, community driven organization, MSW is supported by public and private investors. Collaborative efforts and strategic partnerships which maximize return on investment and creates a culturally diverse, economically vibrant, and highly sustainable downtown district. The award-winning MSW program is truly the product of our stakeholders, partners, and volunteers who are working together toward the community's vision for downtown. We welcome all visitors. Pop by our office for our Washington Welcome Center! We'd love to help you discover our community!
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Located in Storied & Scenic


In Iowa, sunny days mean endless possibilities. Whether it's a family getaway, an outdoor adventure, or anything in between, we know a place.