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Newy's Moto
205 E. Bremer Ave.
Waverly, Iowa | Map It
Driftless Area
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NEWY'S MOTO is your E Bike headquarters having the areas largest selection with access to over 15 different electric bicycle brands including: Sondors, Stealth, Phantom, EMojo, Fuell, Huffy, QuietKat, Qualisports, Monday Motorbikes, EBC, Magicycle, Aostirmotor and Serial 1 E Bikes powered by Harley Davidson. Newy's Moto also carries ONEWHEEL boards and BUGATTI E Scooters! "Newy's Moto is also a motorsports dealer specializing in parts and accessories for almost all makes and models of motorcycles, atvs, snowmobiles, and personal watercraft.