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Park Farm Winery

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Park Farm Winery is a beautiful twenty-minute drive west of Dubuque. The chateau-style facilities, together with the surrounding vineyards, pastures and woodlands, evoke an old-world charm that perfectly complements our hand crafted artisan wines, making Park Farm a must-experience Midwest destination. Park Farm's eleven-acre estate vineyard grows specific ‘cold climate' grape cultivars - from Old World French-hybrids to several newer developments at the University of Minnesota that produce great wine and withstand the harsh winters of the upper Midwest. Our grape cultivars are also able to produce ripe fruit within the constraints of Iowa's shortened growing season. A tasting room and retail shop that are open year round. Tastings are intimate and informative, as our tasting staff is both well versed in Park Farm wines and knowledgeable of the worldwide wine industry. Gourmet wood-fired pizza, baked in our on-site brick oven is also available. Our gourmet pizzas are made to-order, with over twenty toppings to choose from.
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Located in Driftless Area


No matter the season, Iowa offers endless possibilities. Whether it’s a family getaway, an outdoor adventure, or anything in between, we know a place.