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Preparation Canyon State Park

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Preparation Canyon State Park Rd.
Loess Hills State Forest
Moorhead, Iowa | Map It Loess Hills & Beyond Visit Our Website Email Us 712.456.2924 712.456.2924
The Preparation Canyon Unit of the Loess Hills State Forest encompasses 4,068 acres and is located north of the town of Pisgah. This remote and lovely area is still relatively untouched by humans. The park is located in Iowa's unique Loess Hills and is surrounded by dramatic ridges on the north, south and west. The Loess Hills Scenic Overlook located in this park is one of the most iconic vantage points in the Loess Hills, showcasing spectacular views of the forest, prairies, Missouri River bottomlands, and across the Nebraska plains. Pit toilet and picnic shelter with trails and 10 back-country campsites are available in this park.
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This listing is part of the Scenic Byway Passport.

This listing is part of the State Park Passport.

Located in Loess Hills & Beyond