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Public Art in Council Bluffs

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The City of Council Bluffs features several public art pieces including:
  • Bayliss Park & Veterans Plaza The plaza was sculpted by famed artist John Lajba. The wall lists those who died or are missing in action from the Civil War through Desert Freedom.
  • Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge The 3,000 foot-long and 15 foot-wide bridge connects Council Bluffs to Omaha, Nebraska across the Missouri River.
  • Broadway Fountain (Broadway & Pearl Street) The restored cast-iron fountain was built in 1890 and rededicated in 2000.
  • Children's Square U.S.A. Bronze Sculptures Children's Square U.S.A. is known as much for its service to children and families as it is for its beautiful bronze sculptures on the campus grounds.
  • Council Bluffs Public Library Outside of the library is an impressive brick mural and a sculpture entitled "Imagination Takes Flight" that greet patrons as they enter the building.
  • Deputy Mark Burbridge Memorial (Historic Squirrel Cage Jail) A blue horse without a rider is positioned outside the Historic Squirrel Cage Jail. The statue honors Deputy Mark Burbridge who was slain while on duty in 2017 in an attempted jail escape. The horse is covered in images important to Burbridge.
  • Eagles of Honor "Freedom of Honor" (RailsWest Museum) Each community in Pottawattamie County raised funds so that every town and city in the county has a hand-crafted bronze eagle statue to honor military veterans.
  • First Responders Public Safety Plaza (West Broadway between Main and Pearl Streets) Lifelike bronze statues depict a police officer and his K-9, a firefighter holding a child, an Iowa State Patrol trooper, and a sheriff deputy, all connected by a walkway representing the 911 Call Center.
  • Grant Wood Painting (Iowa Western Community College) Original Grant Wood, "The Early Days of Kanesville," hangs in the lobby of the Looft Hall Conference Center of the campus.
  • Historic Lincoln-Fairview Neighborhood Murals (Oakland Avenue) Three 12-foot tall photo murals line the walls of the CenturyLink building depicting a scene from Council Bluffs around 1910, the Washington School, and the former Council Bluffs Fire Department Central Station.
  • Kanesville Tabernacle & Visitors Center This authentic replica was built near the site where Brigham Young was sustained as president by the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1846. On-site are bronze statues depicting Young, two counselors, a pioneer family, and Henry Miller.
  • Lewis and Clark Trail Markers The public art pieces that commemorate Meriwether Lewis and William Clark's expedition can be found at the Lewis and Clark Monument Scenic Overlook, the Dodge Riverside Golf Club (adjacent to the levee trail), and the Western Historic Trail Center.
  • Pottawattamie County Genealogical Society Building Mural (South 4th and Worth Street) A photographic collage of Council Bluffs and the Gibraltar neighborhood, this mural includes current and historic photos of Council Bluffs people and places.
  • Riverboat on the Missouri Mural Located in the heart of downtown Council Bluffs, this large scale mural depicts a riverboat making its way down the Missouri River, the Loess Hills on the banks of the river, a railroad double-swing bridge, and a gorgeous Iowa sunset.
  • Ruth Anne Dodge Memorial Known in local folklore as The Black Angel, this solid bronze structure was inspired by three visions by Ruth Anne Dodge, wife of General Grenville M. Dodge, before her death in 1916.
  • Sidewalk Mosaics and Streetscape Tiles (Pearl and Main Streets, and West Broadway) Former postcards and history that depict various aspects, persons, and locations in Council Bluffs have been reproduced in ceramic and sidewalk mosaic tiles in downtown Council Bluffs.
  • UNsculptures Pottawattamie Arts, Culture & Entertainment (PACE) partnered with the City of Council Bluffs to have several art installations placed throughout the city that celebrate how Council Bluffs is UNlike anywhere else.
  • Western Historic Trails Center Metal Sculptures This center contains more than 200 metal sculptures by Timothy Woodman to interpret historic pioneer trails.
Iowa West Public Art Sites offers even more pieces to check-out throughout the community.
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Located in Loess Hills & Beyond