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Riverview Conference Center
Cedar Falls, Iowa | Map It
Driftless Area
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Riverview Conference Center is a family of ministries dedicated to proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. Riverview Conference Center is a Christian organization providing uplifting conferences, concerts and events. Located on 27 acres in Cedar Falls, Iowa, it is the home of the Cedar Falls Bible Conference. RV campgrounds and housekeeping cabins, as well as meeting facilities for 10 to 1200 people area available to rent for conventions, retreats, reunions and family get-togethers. We are a year-round Christian conference center existing to promote the cause of Christ through the proclamation, study and application of God's Word. This ministry seeks to fulfill that purpose in a relaxed atmosphere providing an opportunity for fellowship, reflection, prayer, rest, recreation, and participation in a wide variety of activities geared toward spiritual life and growth.