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Summerset Winery
Indianola, Iowa | Map It
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Stop by the winery for a wine tasting, sign up for a cellar tour or grab a glass of wine on the decks overlooking the vineyard. The tasting room is open Tuesday-Sunday all year long and offers wine tastings and tours, and is the ideal location to host weddings, receptions, corporate events, private parties, and more.
Located just minutes outside of Des Moines, Iowa in Indianola, Summerset Winery produces award winning Iowa wine from locally grown, central Iowa grapes. Summerset Winery owners Ron & Linda Mark started planting grapes on Summerset Ridge in 1989 and continued to plant grapes every year until they established their 12+ acre vineyard composed of nine French Hybrids and American varietals. Summerset Winery officially opened their doors in 1997 making it one of the first estate wineries in the state. Summerset Winery produces close to 60,000 bottles annually and continues to be one of the largest producing wineries in the state.
This listing is part of the Iowa Wine Passport.