Information provided here has not been updated within the last 12 months. Please contact the business prior to making travel plans.
The Schroeter Diesel Technology Museum
Central Fuel Injection Service Building Estherville, Iowa | Map It Lakes & Land Visit Our Website 712.362.4200 712.362.4200 800.548.9464 800.548.9464
Central Fuel Injection Service Building Estherville, Iowa | Map It Lakes & Land Visit Our Website 712.362.4200 712.362.4200 800.548.9464 800.548.9464
Home to a wide variety of diesel engine equipment. The museum's collection includes items that have come from previous collections and various locations across the U.S. Our collection also includes tools, equipment, fuel injection parts, diesel injection pumps, nozzles, test stands and turbo cutaways, memorabilia and reference materials.
Open by appointment during the hours listed.