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Uptown Ankeny Farmers Market
715 W 1st Street
Ankeny, Iowa | Map It
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The Uptown Ankeny Farmers Market is held every Saturday from May 24th through September 27th at the beautiful, weather-proof Ankeny Market & Pavilion facility (715 W 1st Street) from 8am-noon. During market hours, an average of 55 local vendors sell produce, meat, eggs, honey, flowers, baked goods, prepared food and beverages, handcrafted gifts, and much more to market-goers. Highlights Each Week Include: 50-70 high-quality local vendors, the Uptown Express train ride for kids circles the market every week, live music from local entertainers, Market Stories: a program that hands out 250 new books to visiting kiddos most Saturdays, superhero appearances, a free kids activity, Uptown Ankeny shops and restaurants in walking distance. Make a day of it in Uptown! The Uptown Ankeny Farmers Market is just blocks away from local shops and restaurants, as well as the Ankeny Area Historical Museum, which is open on many market Saturdays.