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Villisca Axe Murder House

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The Villisca AXE Murders of June 1912 remain an enduring and unsettling enigma in American criminal history. In this quaint small Iowa town, on a pleasant summer’s night, eight unsuspecting victims - including six children - were bludgeoned to death as they slept following a church service. Despite a nationwide manhunt, multiple suspects, and two trials, the murder remains unsolved. DAYTIME TOUR. Curated guided tours are available four times daily. You’ll learn about the house’s history, the murders, and the restoration, plus see authentic mementos. You’ll also have the opportunity to spend time exploring the home on your own and circle back with your tour guide for a question-and-answer session. OVERNIGHT STAYS. Before booking, please be aware that an overnight stay is experiential in nature – it’s not meant as accommodation but to offer a one-of-a-kind chance to experience a place known to be haunted in the hours most likely to generate activity. Since this is a living museum, guests are asked not to sleep on the beds; sleeping bags will be provided. Also, to be true to the home as it stood that night in June 1912, there’s no running water, indoor plumbing, or electrical outlets. As a convenience for guests, a modern bathroom is provided in the restored barn next to the house, where you’ll also find multiple plug-ins and a mini fridge as well. Check-in time is 5 p.m., and checkout is 10 a.m.
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Located in Loess Hills & Beyond