
Wabash Trace Nature Trail

The Wabash Trace Nature Trail is one of Iowa's premier trails. Stretching more than 62 miles through southwest Iowa, the Wabash Trace is a converted railroad right-of-way that runs from Council Bluffs on the north to Blanchard on the Iowa/Missouri border.
Accessible from the numerous towns the trail passes through, the Wabash Trace offers a journey through the scenic Iowa countryside.
From wide-open farm fields flowing with nature's abundant harvest to the picturesque Loess Hills of western Iowa, visitors to the Wabash Trace will find their journey on the trail a memorable experience.
Biking, hiking and cross-country skiing are some of the great ways to experience the Wabash Trace.


TRAIL USES: Biking, Hiking, Cross-Country Skiing, Nature Observation

LENGTH: 62 miles

SURFACE: Concrete/Crushed Limestone